
Join us on the journey of self transformation. BE who you are meant to BEcome.

Touch. Is. Healing.

on October 27, 2014



When was the last time you touched/hugged/kissed/caressed someone you love just out of the blue and for no particular reason?

As I sat on the bleachers watching my son’s football game, I saw two little girls around 8 or 9 years old, meeting each other with hugs, kisses, giggles and holding each other’s hands as they walked down the bleachers in joy. Evidently they were friends, truly happy to find each other there. As they walk down the stairs they saw a toddler boy in a stroller. They went to him, hugged and kissed him. They played with him and spoke to him in a tiny, cute voice.Then, they held hands again and left skipping and giggling.

The same day, I went to the beach and saw my son, playing, and having fun with Pat’s grandkids. They were playing in the sand, one would bury their feet in the sand and the other two would gently push him back and forth into the waiting arms of the others. They didn’t mind being pushed back and forth into each other’s arms, they were not uncomfortable with each other’s touch. They were comfortable and happy being in each other’s presence.

When did we lose that sense of connection with others?

I am a person that touches and caresses the ones I love. I do this constantly. I probably do it too much. I’m a huger! I don’t get touched frequently, especially after my husband’s death. He was as touchy/feely as I am. (I miss that a lot) Yet, that doesn’t stop me from doing it.

I do it especially if I happen to meet with a person, who might not be one of my closest friends or a family member, but is going through some tough times.

Touching, to me, is healing. I am not talking about sensual, romantic touch, which is also healing. I am talking about caressing someone’s hand or arm, hugging them unexpectedly, caressing their head, placing your hands on their shoulders. All of these for no reason.

Touching. Is. Healing. We are here to connect with each other.

Today, hug someone you love and care for. Randomly. Unexpectedly. For no particular reason… Try it. The joy you’ll get from this is simply amazing.


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