
Join us on the journey of self transformation. BE who you are meant to BEcome.

Let Your Story Unfold

on January 22, 2015


All the chapters in the book of my life, up until this moment as I’m typing these words on the small screen of my smart phone, have unfolded into the amazing story I’ve been blessed to live.

I can see now how each story was crossed referenced with another life story and that story with another and another, and so on.

Some chapters were full of joyful moments and colorful images. Others filled with the things I enjoy the most, music, dance and laughter. In some, I was loved fiercely and passionately. Some left me breathless.

Some chapters have been extremely painful and sad. They were filled with death and darkness, I didn’t think I could come out of them with any sign of sanity. Heck, some chapters I didn’t think I would survive.

Others were so simple and plain I don’t even remember them.

As I look through those past pages, I can read stories of courage, of boldness, of fear, and of love. Every step I’ve taken, every page I’ve turned has led me here, to this blank page I am on right now.

I’m ready. My fingers, ready to press the letters on this keyboard that will spell the words that will narrate my next life adventure.

I want to let it unfold freely, and thankfully, I cannot see the end yet.


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