
Join us on the journey of self transformation. BE who you are meant to BEcome.

Challenges, Gifts in Disguise

on January 21, 2015


Your present challenge may someday be your greatest gift.

Ah, challenges…
We face them everyday. Some easily hurdled, some seemingly impossible to overcome.

I have had my share of life challenges. Some, I have breezed through with little effort, others have been a little more difficult.
Lessons learned in all of these challenges.

My greatest, life changing, challenges…my divorce and the passing of my child.
These two challenges have caused the greatest sorrow in my life, fractured my heart into minute slivers that I did not believe would,or could, ever be pieced together again.

It has been through these two life changing challenges I have learned my greatest lessons, received my greatest gifts.

I have received my gifts through some very hard, very painful, inner work. My greatest gift is remembering. Remembering my Truth. Remembering…I AM powerful beyond measure. I AM resilient. I AM brave. I AM worthy. I AM wise. I AM forgiving. I AM understanding. I AM courageous.
I AM open. I AM free. I AM loving, I AM loved. I AM love.

And my heart…no longer fractured in minute slivers, but repaired with Go(l)d and made whole in the Light and Love of my God!

Be courageous as you work through your challenges, towards your greatest gift, the gift of remembering your Truth.

In Light and Love,

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