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Avoid Minimizing the Pain of Another

on January 20, 2015


Avoid minimizing the pain of another, you do not know what their heart is healing from.

There is a little girl, who’s fish was sick. When she realized her fish was sick, she sobbed and sobbed and sobbed…
You might think, “it’s only a fish!”
But, he’s not just a fish, he’s way more than that.

You see that little girl is my granddaughter. And that fish…
Well, he was a birthday gift to my granddaughter from her aunt, uncle and cousins, given to her on the birthday after her father passed.
And that fish was named “Stinky Cheese”, the nickname her father had for her.

So, you see, to my granddaughter, that fish represents the loss of another piece of her daddy. That fish also allowed another piece of her heart to heal as she sobbed and sobbed and sobbed…

You may think he’s “just” a fish, but for my granddaughter, he is a gift. The gift of a healing heart.

So, please, do not judge how another behaves when they are in pain, you don’t know what their heart is healing from.


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